Most of the developing nations of the world lie in the Asian continent. These Asia-Pcific nations account for rapidly mushrooming small, medium and large enterprises. Sociopolitical, demographics and economical conditions in these nations are improving which has contributed towards the growth of these regions. Especially in case of China and Indian subcontinent, there is multiplicative growth in entrepreneurship, online businesses, e-commerce sites and internet usage. All these factors have caused a big hike in demand of cloud services in these regions.
For any cloud services providers, the customers are spread world wide. Asia-pacific nations are coming up with some really advanced and highly efficient data centers, built with state-of-art infrastructure. These data centers built with next-gen technologies are capable of delivering its users with zero downtime, low latency and seamless network connectivity.It will ensure fast accessibility, zero data loading time and excellent web experience for the users.
The trends that impact the growth of cloud market in Asia-Pacific regions are
- Increase in data consumption in these regions due to increasing entrepreneurship and majority of population belongs to the youth group.
- Secondly, there is growing demand for third party services in these countries.
Both of these factors drive significant revenue growth attracting the service providers to explore the opportunities in these regions.
Web Werks is one among few Cloud services providers to have world-class data centers strategically located on the world map. We have 5 privately owned carrier neutral data centers in India and US. We offer both Managed as well as unmanaged cloud services. Our customers trust us for our secured and reliable infrastructure built with Tier IV standards. Above all, our rapid action support team is up and available round the clock to troubleshoot any technical issue and ensure business continuity.