SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer which adds to the protection of any website. SSL Certificate is one of the important security measures as it ensures a secured connection is established between the visitors’ browser and the server. The communication or any transaction is encrypted through SSL. Thus, the confidential and sensitive information are transmitted in a protected layer.
Why SSL?
It feels great to be safe and secured. Same goes with the security of your computer, your banking and financial data and several other confidential information that is stored and shared online. Today, when everything can be ordered online and each bill is paid online, you will not like to make any transaction or share your personal information to a website which is not secured. This is why websites with SSL encryptions are trusted for such transactions.
Why SSL websites are trusted?
SSL websites are trusted because they go through a rigorous security and identity check as part of the verification. And after a several phase of the validation process, the SSL certificate is issued to the websites. So, the websites with green SSL band are safe and secure. Once you see this green status bar, you can know that you are on a protected website. Now you can freely enter the sensitive information and do transactions.
SSL & PCI Compliance: PCI compliance is the security essential for any eCommerce websites. And it is not possible to meet PCI standards unless the website has an SSL certificate.
Types of SSL Certificates: There are two kinds of SSL certificate. The first one is Standard SSL Certificate, while the second one is premium SLL Certificate. Standard SSL certificate is usually recommended for the personal websites. Whereas Premium SSL is recommended for business websites. Before the validation of the premium SSL certificate, the organization is tested for both its physical and legal existence. It is also made sure that the company follows Industry standards.