‘Free’- Mention of the word itself is enough to catch your attention and you may get inclined towards the offering. But everything that is free doesn’t come with benefits. Sometimes there are harms of such free offerings. Free web hosts services are one of them. You do not get much benefit from the free web hosts like WordPress and Tumblr. If you are a serious blogger and using these free platforms, then beware of you may regret using free host services.
Here are few of many reasons that tell you why you should avoid using free web hosting services:
- Downtime: The free web hosting providers also operate their paid versions of services and its users are considered as standard or premium accounts. So, if there would be any server problems or any other technical issues, these premium accounts will be given prior attention. While you may have to suffer from slow speed and sluggish performance of your site for an indefinite period of time. Kindly note that no one will wait for minutes for your page to load. The users will switch to another site if your page doesn’t load within 10 seconds. You must think about it if you do not want to lose on your visitors count.
- No Customer Support: There could be incidences of page error, page loading issues, site crash, database wreck or even security issues like malware attack or hacking. In such contingency, the first thing you need is rapid action support. But what would you do if there is poor customer support. Free web hosting providers doesn’t offer 24x7 customer support. Neither there is any live chat support. Email support is there, but it takes them ages to reply to your query. Such poor support is equal to no support at all.
- Nothing comes free: This phrase is very true in the context of free web hosting services. Actually, your site is a medium for providers to place advertisements at your hosting space. The content is yours, efforts are yours, and you pull the visitors to the page/site; while web hosts place ads and make money. Now you know ‘Nothing comes free’.
- Non-reliable: Free web hosts are not reliable. They may shut down anytime and all your efforts may go into vain. You may need to start from the scratch. Losing your visitors and fans is a big loss while building audience once again is a big challenge. One of the examples of closing down of free web host is ‘Yahoo GeoCities’. So, be careful as free web host services are not stable.
- Lack of security: Hackers have become too smart that they may even intrude the premium accounts from a slightest of security loophole. So, you may imagine the level of risks and threats free web hosts are exposed to.
- Hosting with spammy sites affects ranking: There are many spammy sites hosted with you and sharing the same IP when you use free web host services. Google has announced that if 1000 spammy sites are on the same IP then that can be bad for the users. Therefore using free web host may even affect your SEO rankings.
- Limited space and bandwidth: There are Millions of free web host users, so there is the limitation with space and bandwidth in free web hosting services. If your traffic would increase you may have to suffer slow page load issues. Then you will be left with the only option of migrating it to paid hosting services like cloud solutions or VPS server hosting etc.