Rapid increase in databases, software, cloud computing, CPU-intensive and content based applications have led to huge demand for storage. All these factors have pushed the growth of data center industry across the globe.
The enterprises are on a constant lookout for the most secured data center facilities which are enabled with all the latest computing and hardware technologies. CIOs are following strategies to choose the perfect Data Center and right location for storing their mission-critical data.
Gartner Research quotes “Data Center market in India that comprises of server, networking and storage will witness 5.4% increase to $2.03 billion in 2015.” Indian economy is developing at a progressive pace, this is the reason several world class tier 3 and tier 4 data centers are coming up here. Many data center companies are investing in India.
The major factors that have attracted CIOs and CTOs towards India for data center investments are:
- Internet users: India accounts for third largest population of internet users in the world. It has has favored the growth of data center market in India.
- Government Initiatives:The government programs and policies like Digital India has encouraged the prospects of data center infrastructure development in the country. The Government has empowered the IT, IT enabled services and Telecom sectors with multiple initiatives that has favored to garner more demand for data center and cloud computing solutions in India.
- Multiple SME setups: Entrepreneurship is encouraged through several government policies. Besides Central govt, state government also supports and encourage small and medium enterprises and even cottage industries through several plans. The hand-loom and handicraft skills from the hinterlands of nation are getting recognized globally through government policies and aid. SMEs are offered with multiple platforms to showcase their offerings and build their business.
- Infrastructure development: In the last two decades, India has witnessed tremendous infrastructure development which has attracted many MNCs to invest in India.
- Skilled Manpower: IT is one of the most developed sectors in India. Our engineers are leading Giant IT brands. Indian engineers are sought-after by top notch IT companies globally.