A business website adds credibility and super-value to your offerings. So, if you are yet to start a website for your business, begin today with VPS, i.e. Virtual Private Server, which is regarded as the most affordable way to start web hosting for your organization.
Choosing the best control panel for your Linux or Windows Virtual Private server can be little tough. But with the right knowledge about the features of control panels, the decision making can be very easy.
cPanel and Plesk are 2 mostly used control panels for Virtual Private Servers. Discussed below are the features of both the control panels in relation with Linux and Windows:
First let's discuss in terms of Operating System compatibility. cPanel is specifically designed to support Linux operating system and it is not functional with Windows operating system. However, few versions of cPanels support Windows but they are not considered very effective.
So if your business applications are compatible with Windows OS, cPanel will not work for you. Plesk Control panel on the other hand supports both Windows as well as Linux operating system, so choose accordingly.
cPanel is the most common control panel with a very familiar and easy-to-use Graphical User Interface. While Plesk too comes with a simple user interface but it's not as predictive as that of cPanel. That doesn't make much difference as far as you are using Windows. Additionally, Plesk also offers unlimited domains and accounts for its users. So when it comes to reliability, both the control panels are equally reliable.
The another distinguishing factor is cost and speed. cPanel works very fast. Comparatively, Plesk control panel takes a slightly more loading time but it comes with unlimited accounts and domains. Moreover, a plan in Plesk control panel with the limit of 100 domains is also available at a smaller price.