Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is nothing but a cloud computing service in which the service provider hosts virtual desktop for customers and provides virtual desktops to the particular clients' end user. In simple words, it replaces physical machines with high-end, more efficient virtual machines where the everything is managed on the cloud. The service is known as desktop services.
The service provider manages storing, securing and backing up the end user's mission-critical data, in addition to upgrades for the service and applications it supports, unlike physical machine that requires logging onto every single computer and performing the same upgrades. Apart from these are bunch of other advantages of DaaS over the traditional PCs.
- Economies of scale: It is an highly cost-effective option for the customers as it frees them from the responsibilities of their own infrastructure maintenance. As according to IDC, DaaS can drop hardware capital expenditure by nearly 56% along with a drastic reduction in the ongoing operating expenses. As there is no need for a local hard disk and its high energy efficiency, a virtual desktop cuts down cost by 50% compared to the conventional physical machine. Furthermore, new software in a traditional desktop would demand for expensive hardware upgrade, while in the hosted environment, the hardware can be reused, thus saving significant amount.
- Increased Mobility: Being on cloud, users can gain access from any device, location, at any time that means you can access your account from your smartphones, tablets and laptops. Besides, you can also access both Linux-based and Windows OS on multiple devices. So employees can log in to the account from their own device and get the work done immediately, thus improving productivity.
- Data Security: DaaS mitigates the risks of data damage as they maintain a backup of all the mission-critical information on the origin system. Traditional computers are prone to data theft and information can be easily compromised due to inefficient security. DaaS enables implementation of additional security protocols across user devices regardless of the hardware or operating systems used. In addition, it also offer Business Continuity solutions that ensures the business operations to run even after a catastrophe.
- Green solution: Comparatively, the power consumption of virtual desktops is extremely less than the physical systems. A desktop PC consumes more than 150 Watts, whereas a virtual system use up less than 20 Watts, which further reduces carbon footprint and promotes green IT solutions.