1] What is Web Werks Cloud Mission?
Web Werks Cloud mission is to bring its leading enterprise technology and business applications software to customers, anywhere in the world, through the internet. We strive to offer our clients with most cost-effective yet highly efficient cloud computing services, further allowing them to stand successful in the marketplace.
2] What are Web Werks Cloud and cloud offerings?
Currently, Web Werks supports the below mentioned Cloud plans:
- Cloud VPS – Container based Hypervisor
- RapidvCloud – KVM Hypervisor
- Microsoft Azure Cloud – Clustered Cloud environment
For detailed information, visit our site https://www.webwerks.in/cloud-servers-in-india
3]What are Cloud VPS Plans?
We offer three-predefined, cost-effective Cloud VPS plans that include Basic, Standard and Advanced scheme. Customers can choose the plans that suit their budget. Here is a gist of the plans:
Cloud VPS Basic – This service comes with 1 vCPU, 1GB Ram and 30 GB HDD
Cloud VPS Standard – This service comes with 2 vCPU, 2GB RAM and 40 GB HDD
Cloud VPS Advanced – This service include 4 vCPU, 4GB Ram and 60 GB HDD
For details, visit https://www.webwerks.in/public-cloud-hosting-in-india
4] Are Web Werks Cloud Services available globally?
Yes, our cloud services are available globally and we offer services in India, UAE and the US. Moreover, we are attempting to extend our reaches and spread our operations to a larger audience based on customer demand and regional requirements.
5] Define the estimates of Web Werks Cloud Services.
Our Cloud Services are available on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual subscription basis. Depending on the service, they are either priced on a per user-per month or per environment-per month basis. For details, please refer to the pricing list available on our website of the respective services.
6] How can I start using Web Werks Cloud?
Our website (webwerks.in) is the one-stop shop for all your service subscription and lifecycle management needs. For details on how you can try out the services or purchase them, please follow the instructions for the specific services or contact our sales representative. For service life cycle management needs, the website offers role-based dashboard of business and operational metrics of the service to authorized users.
7] Can Web Werks Cloud be used for production workloads as well as development and testing?
Yes, our Cloud System is built on applications and Systems that have been delivering mission critical, enterprise-class capabilities for years - performance, reliability, availability, scalability and security.
8] How secure are the Web Werks Cloud Services?
The Cloud infrastructure we have configured is secured with Cisco Managed Firewall. We understand the importance of network security and thus, to keep your confidential and private data safe and risk-free, we have deployed optimum security hardware that effectively monitors your servers. In addition, all of our operations and services are aligned within the security framework of ISO 27001 that assures our compliance for global standard for information and data security.
However, for more security, you can configure software firewall or third party security applications inside your virtual instance. Visit our site https://www.webwerks.in/managed-firewall-services to know more.
9] How is system maintenance and upgrades performed in Web Werks Cloud?
Web Werks Cloud Operations perform changes to cloud hardware infrastructure, operating software, product software, and supporting application software to maintain operational stability, availability, security, performance, and currency of the Web Werks Cloud. The changes performed are a part of regular systems maintenance according to a pre-defined scheduled service period.
Regular systems maintenance is targeted to occur during the statistically lightest utilization period for the deployment region. In addition, Web Werks will apply emergency maintenance as required.
10] Can I retrieve my artifacts and data if I cancel Web Werks Cloud Service?
Yes. Web Werks recognizes that customer data remains the property of the customer and provides appropriate means for them to take possession of their property within a specified period after service cancellation.
11] What kind of support is provided with Web Werks Cloud?
We are providing two-type support, Managed and Unmanaged where you can contact us through email and phone.
12] What to do if you forgot your VPS password
You can reset password from the dashboard. You do not need to contact support for password reset.
13] Where can I find my VPS server load statistic?
You can check resource utilization from your dashboard or through SSH or RDP.
14] What software do I need to connect to VPS server?
You can connect to your VPS through SSH using Putty or any other third party application. For Windows Virtual machines, you can connect through Remote Desktop. You can also connect to your Virtual Machine Console through the dashboard, you have to use java-enabled browser and add the specific URL in Java Security.
15] Where can I find status of my VPS server?
You can find status of your VPS on the dashboard.
16] Where can I find VPS server control panel?
The Dashboard provided to you is also a control panel and you will get the access instructions in welcome email. You can have Plesk or cPanel control panel to manage your websites hosted inside the Virtual Machine.
17] Can I upgrade my VPS server kernel?
The containers do not run their own kernels. There is only one kernel run by the host, so you cannot upgrade the kernel if the Host server does not support it.
18] Can I configure GUI / X-desktop for my VPS server?
Yes, you can install graphical environment, but you can access through the console or desktop.
19] Can I use TUN/TAP device in my VPS?
Yes, you can use TUN/TAP for VPS
20] Do you have video about VPS management?
We are in process of creating Video documentation, but for now, we have posted a step-by-step procedure including screenshots that guides in terms of placing your order with us.
21] How to upgrade resources for my VPS?
You can upgrade the resource for your VPS to next available plan. If you have any customized resource requirements, then you need to contact our sales team.
22] How many IPs I will get with my VPS, can I demand for more IPs?
By default, you will get only one IP address. You can demand for more IP addresses by providing the requirement justification.
23] Can I use SELINUX on container?
Container does not support SELINUX. You will get this feature in RapidvCloud.
24] Which backup mechanism is available?
We provide File Level as well as Block Level backup. However, you need to pay extra for backup.
25] Can I migrate from Cloud VPS to RapidvCloud?
Yes, you can, but this will be a manual migration. We charge extra for such migrations.
26] Which Database Software do you provide on Cloud VPS?
We offer MySQL, postgres or mariaDB.
27] Which backup application do you use?
We use Cloud Leap / fission Cloud as a Backup Application. If you need the access of Backup portal, then you have to pay for the backup Agent license cost. Otherwise, with normal backup charges, we can offer you Virtual Machine backups.
28] Is VPS Hardening performed?
By default, we do not perform any security check inside the Virtual machine. We do it only if client demands. Moreover, we have protected the host server with Hardware Firewall.
29] Can we patch security updates inside VPS?
Yes, you can update and apply the security patches to VPS.
30] Does Web Werks Cloud support High Availability and Disaster Recovery?
Cloud VPS is not in clustered environment for HA and DR requirements and you need to consider our enterprise cloud solutions, e.g. Microsoft Cloud, KVM Cloud.
31] What are the supported Operating Systems for Cloud VPS plans?
Cloud VPS only supports Linux based OS, e.g. Centos, Debian, Fedora, Suse, Ubuntu etc.
32] Can I order customized plan?
Yes, you can order Customized plans by mailing your requirements to sales@webwerks.com. Please mention required Resources: RAM, CPU (cores), Disk Space, and Required Operating System.
33] Can I create more than one Container?
Yes, you can order more than 1 Container. You can buy compute resources and create Virtual Machines by your own.
34] Can I resell containers?
Yes, you can definitely Resell containers as we do have Reseller plans.
35] How can I upgrade the Container?
If you have purchased compute resources which are more than your current allocations then the upgrade won't be necessary, but if you require more resources - you can always get in touch with us to upgrade your containers
36] Can I upgrade the container on my own?
If you would like to upgrade to next VPS plan, then you can do that from your Control Panel.
37] How much time the provisioning of Container takes?
As we have auto provisioning, it requires timespan of around 5 minutes.
38] What are the features available in the Container management Control Panel?
- Create/Delete Server
- Boot/ Reboot/ Shutdown/ RebuildServer
- EnableTUN/TAP And PAE
- Change Passwords: Root, Client, SSHConsole And VNCConsole
- Change Boot Order
- Get Server Status
- VNC Console KVM
- Control Panel Button
- OS Templates Allowed For Rebuild
- Send Email Templates After Creation Of Server Based On Its Type
- Extending Resource on request
- Upgrading Plan
- Instant Provisioning
- Two Different Layouts To Choose From-Default And Classic
- Create Client
- Terminate Client And All His Servers
- Dynamic Server Resources Setup With Configurable Options
- Virtualization
- Configurable Client Area Features
- Friendly Names For OS Templates
- Memory Limit
- Storage Limit
- Bandwidth Limit
- CPU Cores Limit
- IP Addresses Limit
- Multiple VM Support
- Product Management From The Admin Area
- Monthly Mode
- Hourly Mode
- Automated Billing
39] What is the difference between Virtual Machine and Container?
Both are created on different Hypervisors. Containers are created on OS level Virtualization while Virtual Machines are Hardware Virtualized. Therefore, Virtual Machine operates as its own server, independently of the host node. Containers rely on the host node's kernel. Virtual Machines have no restrictions in terms of functionality, but it has overhead than Containers. Container is constrained by the host node kernel, but it has less overhead in the containers themselves. Virtual Machines are generally used if you have heavy workloads in your Virtual Machines.
40] What happens if I run out of bandwidth?
If your VM uses all of its bandwidth allotted for the month, it will be suspended automatically. You will have to contact your sales person to upgrade your bandwidth or wait for next month to get your bandwidth reset.
41] What is the port speed of my VPS?
Each VPS is set up with a 100 Mbps port.
42] What is your Uptime Guarantee?
We offer 99.995% uptime guarantee.
43] Is it possible to upgrade from one VPS plan to another?
Yes, it is possible to upgrade from one VPS plan to another. This can be done either through the client’s billing account, or through the Reseller Control Panel. Clients can upgrade their VPS plans through the Change/Upgrade plan section of their billing control panels, while the reseller is able to upgrade the plan for their client through the View Clients section of the Reseller Control Panel.
Important: Please note that upgrades are possible only within the same VPS type. If you are using a Container based Plan, you can upgrade to another Container and vice versa. If you are using a KVM VM, you can only upgrade to another KVM VM.
44] Can I have a trial VPS account?
No, we do not offer trials for any of our Cloud hosting services. We do not charge a setup fee for VPS packages and thus, you can simply purchase the service and try it for a month, as there is no obligation to renew it afterwards. Please note that the VPS plans do not offer 30 days money back guarantee.
45] Do you create the Virtual Machines or Containers on Clustered environment?
Right now only our Microsoft Cloud based Virtual Machines are on Clustered environment.
46] Do you support file level or block level backup?
We support both backup types.
47] What are the Hypervisor platforms that you use?
For Container based Virtualization, we use OpenVZ and for Virtual Machines, we use KVM and Hyper-V.
48] Can I install any application on my cloud server?
You can install any third party applications on your Cloud instance, at your own risk. For container based Cloud instances, you use Host Server kernel so you have certain limitations.
49] How do you charge for windows OS license for Virtual Machines?
We charge extra amount for windows licensing. For details, contact our sales representative.
50] How do you charge for MSSQL on Windows Virtual Machines?
We charge extra amount for MSSQL licensing. For details, contact our sales representative.
51] Can I use load balancer to distribute my traffic between my VPS?
Yes, you can use load balancer to distribute traffic load between your VPS.
52] Which Antivirus do you provide?
We provide Antivirus Services as Add-on Service, for which you have to pay additional amount.
53] Your website says 24x7 technical support. How do you ensure it?
We have a fully trained technical support department available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. For any assistance, you can directly call on 40500600.
54] How often do you keep vigil on Data Center and servers?
We have dedicated Monitoring and surveillance team, which Monitors Server alerts.
55] Do you keep virtual Machine backup?
Only if you have purchased our backup plan. We have two backup options available: Managed and Unmanaged backups. For Managed Backups, we take care of complete backup and restoration while for Unmanaged backup, we will install Backup agent on your Virtual Machine and provide Backup space, and you need to manage the backups and restorations.
56] How do I renew or extend my hosting package?
You shall receive a renewal invoice from our system, 15 days before the due date. For details, please visit (link for billing policy and payment option details).
57] How do I submit a ticket?
You can generate ticket by mailing your issue to dctac@webwerks.com or Call us - 022 40500648
58] Where are your servers located?
We have Tier IV Data Centers located in Mumbai, Pune, USA, and Dubai. For additional information, visit our site https://www.webwerks.in
59] Do you provide any control panel for Managed backups?
Yes, we provide Backup management control Panel from where you can monitor, schedule and restore your backups.