In this piece, I have gathered some frequently asked questions about Content Delivery Network (CDN) and how it is playing its part in improving web performance. Here is some information on CDN solutions providing you a better overview on the subject.
What is CDN and why should you use one?
A content delivery network (CDN) is an interconnected set of systems situated across the world for faster delivery of web content. It is designed to boost speed, security, reliability of web data and applications. CDN provides are basically service that speeds up the delivery of content to the end user and these content delivery servers are located around the globe at data centers. For example, if a user request for an Indian website in a browser from the US, the CDN will fetch the request and the servers nearest to the website visitor responds by delivering the web content quickly, thus reducing latency. So, the overall purpose of using a CDN server is to reduce latency.
As visitors demand for faster speed and reliable networks, organizations need to cope up to perform well in the business. Users are likely to dump your website if takes more than 3 seconds to load, leading to revenue loss. To convert these potential leads into sales, you need to improve website speed, which is one of the many parameters to generating business profits.
Why should I use CDN and not multiple data centers?
Why build multiple data centers by investing huge finance when you can use CDN service, which is much more reliable, secure and most importantly, affordable. CDN solution is a more practical option to save on both time and cost. Besides, managing multiple data centers is difficult and expensive and you'll require to put in your time and effort to build that efficient IT infrastructure.
On the other hand, CDN can be deployed quickly and requires minimum investments when it comes to building and maintaining the facility.
Does using a CDN guarantee 100% availability for my site?
CDNs certainly boosts overall global availability of a website but the efficiency relies on the geographical location of a server and that of a service provider, along with the amount of service providers you're using. More than one is recommended for optimum results.
Is it secure to use a CDN?
It all depends on which vendor you choose for your requirement. However, many CDNs frequently manage, administer and keep a check their network and services to meet security guidelines such as PCI standards in order to secure mission-critical data. Moreover, there are some CDNs that make use of cloud solutions for additional protection against cyberattacks or integrates web application firewall.
How competitive is the CDN market today?
Previously, CDN solution was something that only business giants could afford as the monthly bills went around to whopping hundreds of thousands of dollars. With CDN bills that high, only large businesses could afford to use the solution. Now, many CDN vendors provide solutions at competitive rates that offers latest technology compatible with other technologies.