You may come across many suggestions while you are seeking services of a web hosting provider. Many will even advise that better the price, better will be service, so go for the expensive ones. But that doesn’t always prove right. The truth holds that there is no such golden rule to decide on the best web host. You should opt for the provider that will best suit to your business hosting needs. This is why you should first understand your own hosting needs like what type of website you are building, what all applications you need, what is your expected traffic volume etc.
Here are 6 ‘S’s of choosing the right web hosting services provider for your business.
Speed: Website loading speed should be very fast, because online users do not want to wait and they will switch to some other page if your page loading speed is slow. So, ensure web host offers to maximize the page load speed. Global spread of data centers, latest hardware and infrastructure, CDN services, etc. are few qualities to look for in a web host to ensure speed.
Service Level Agreement: Your web host may promise you hundreds of things, but trust the only one which has these promises clearly defined in their Service Level Agreement.
Support: Look for web host whose tech-support staff are available round the clock and round the calendar so as to troubleshoot any issue any time to ensure constant availability of the website.
Specialty: One-size-fits-all does not work for web hosting services. Different types of businesses needs different hosting services and different web hosts. So make sure the web hosting provider is offering services specific to your needs.
Stability: Opt for the web host providers who have extensive industry experience and reputed clientele, as these are important signs of reliability and stability.
Security: Physical security Data Centers, Firewall security, and even PCI compliance (especially for ecommerce websites) are all important security aspects to consider when finding the right hosting provider for your business.