Choosing a web host is quite a complex task, especially when all the providers claim to have better services and solutions than one-another. In such scenario, IT managers fall prey to the fake commitments of cheap web hosting providers and then regret their decisions.
Below are some top common web hosting mistakes that you must avoid:
- Paying more than the worth: sometimes, users in the haste of starting their website, end up paying more than the value derived. To avoid this web hosting mistake, you need to understand the market. Read about the providers, do a little homework, compare prices as well as other features; so that you do not feel cheated and helpless at the end.
- Not understanding Cheapest vs. Affordable: Many a times, people get trapped in the false adjectives like ‘cheapest’, ‘unlimited’ etc. They even forget that there is a big difference between cheapest and affordable. If the quality of hardware and other resources is poor then there will be frequent technological issues which will eventually lead to increased amount of downtime. Apart from doing just the price comparison, users must also check the quality of services offered. They must also not forget to check uptime SLA guarantee of the VPS hosting providers.
- Not doing the right search: Last but not the least, you should do a thorough research when you are seeking for hosting services. Do a careful comparison of features, prices, quality, clientele, resources, RAM, bandwidth, storage, processor etc. Prepare a checklist in advance and then go for the hunt in the market.
- Poor Tech-support services: Not all providers offer 24x7x365 Rapid Action Support like Web Werks. Many others may promise, but most of the times they fail to deliver. The clientele of the dedicated hosting providers speaks about their support services. Winning a deal is easier than sustaining it. We understand this fact, so we have built the best support team with experienced professionals.