I want to buy a VPS, what should I look for in a web hosting provider? Are you looking for VPS hosting services? This blog from Web Werks will help you in choosing the best web hosting provider. Take a quick glance on the factors that you should look into a VPS hosting providers:
- A Reliable VPS host that offers 99.995% server uptime SLA guarantee.
- More than a decade-long Industry Experience with a team of adept professionals.
- VPS providers with Own Data Centers with global presence.
- Latest Security Tools and compliance to all industry standard security protocols
- Choose only the VPS hosting services with Customization Options to match your specific web needs’
- Cost Efficiency can be attained when the cost per utility is high as well as there is some additional value.
- Last but not the least a Rapid Action Support team available 24x7 for tech assistance.
Read more here Tips for selecting the foremost undersized Business data center A survey report by Gartner states that 42% of SMEs with strength lesser than 1000 employees are also availing the services of data centers. What are the factors driving Small businesses towards data center services?
- Cost-effectiveness
- Robust Security
- Professional Support Team
- Redundant infrastructure
- Industry standard SLA guarantee
- High server uptime
- Better scalability
How Shared Web Hosting Affects Search Engine Rankings?
Your business website should always be up and available so that you don’t lose any of your prospect. A flawless and speedy website also adds value to your brand image. Above all it also affect your SEO rankings. Shared web hosting affects your SEO rankings because:
- The IP address is shared by multiple users which is not an appreciable factor by Search Engines.
- Page load speed suffers because numerous users share the same hosting resources.
Tips to optimize website speed:
- Choose the right web host
- Avail website monitoring services by data centers