The website is one of the most valuable assets when it is about running a business. If you have a WordPress site is important to ensure that it hosted securely with no downtime and runs effectively. Now managed word press hosting is one solution for corporate companies mostly rely on.
Hosting is an important service business needs to store data on your website and to make your website online. There are many hosting providers and before choosing them you need to understand their services. Different companies provide with various customized solutions and packages.
The number of features seen in the hosting plans is more likely it may be managed to host services Managed Wordpress hosting is particularly designed and optimized for WordPress websites. It takes care of the technical aspects of WordPress for you which allows you to focus on sharing and creating content without any worries about site updates, speed, uptime etc. security is the main aim of premium managed hosting.
It contains a tight layer of security on their servers which makes the website safe from DoS attacks, malware or other security threats. With managed hosting support you will get expert WordPress assistance. In the site, ranking speed plays an important role. There are a lot of things which can be done to improve website speed like using good CDN, reducing images etc. Most of the managed hosting companies out there enable content caching at the server level, so you don’t have to rely on any external caching plugins. Managed WordPress hosting takes backups on a daily basis which includes content, data, themes, and plugins which are downloadable for the dashboard.
A restore point is created where in case if something goes the wrong website can be easily stored to the previous working version with just one click. It also automatically update your word press core files to the latest version. There is no downtime faced by the website in Managed WordPress hosting. This is the reason for paying extra for managed services WordPress hosting if you are running a WordPress site and you need help for troubleshooting plugins or themes having your web hosting provider nearby is a great benefit.
This is probably the only reason why paying extra for “managed” WordPress hosting makes sense. If you run only WordPress sites, and need help for troubleshooting themes or plugins, having your web host in your corner is a great benefit. However, such WordPress-specific help is ideal for you only if you are lacking in terms of technical skills or time, or both. If you can spare the time to fix that odd line of code, or if you are able to get your WP site out of a failed upgrade, just stay away from managed WordPress hosting.