Like any other IT technology and services, data centers have evolved too. Traditional data centers were built with typical construction materials with ordinary technologies and resources that were available then. But soon there was realization that the heat and radiations from these building are adversely impacting the environment. Therefore, efforts started to be taken towards data center building technologies and constructing an energy efficient green data centers.
Here are some of the latest data center building methods and technologies
There have been several innovations in building materials and construction methodologies, to cut down on dust, pollution and toxic and hazardous emissions. Some of the environment friendly building materials are:
- Fiber Glass: All types of Fiber glass are energy efficient but natural fiber glass are the best ones which are made up from the byproduct of denim (fabric) production.
- Cellulose: This is considered better insulation technology than fiber glass as it is made up from recyclable newsprint
- Certified wood: The wood are renewable resources, given the condition that we plant more trees than we cut. Wood has no hazardous or toxic effects, it's pure natural, synonymous to green. So, usage of certified wood (certified from recognized forest councils or energy conservation bodies; certification involve several criteria) in building data centers will make them highly energy efficient and environment friendly.
- Fly ash concrete: These are basically coal byproduct left after coal is burnt in power plants. It serves as a great replacement of cement for concrete construction.
- Recyclable steel: Steel, today are more being recycled than processing ores. Steels are recyclable, so it's very much nature-savvy. Using steel in the construction of data center building will add to the cooling as well as strength and sustainability of the structure.
- Reusable Stones: The bricks and stones which are recyclable, only those should be used in the construction of data center building to contribute toward a greener earth.
How to obtain environment efficiency?
The materials used in the construction of data center whether exterior or interior, should be:
1. Recyclable through:
- Reusable materials
- Agricultural waste materials
- Only certified wood
2. Renewable through:
- using Hydel power
- using Solar power
- using Wind power
3. Energy & Water saving through:
- Water efficiency technology
- Energy-efficiency technology
4. Preventing heat and radiations through:
- using materials with minimal heat absorption
- Waste management
- Pollution control measures
- using materials with no hazardous emissions