IPv6, abbreviated for Internet Protocol version 6, is the latest version of internet protocol. IPv6 helps in determining the location and overall identity of the computers on networks in the middle of all networks and traffic over the internet. IP addresses are the basis of internet communication, as the devices on the internet can be located and individually identified on the basis of its allotted IP address.
IPv6 is the upgraded version of IPv4. Actually, IPv4 is now an outdated technology as it no longer fits in today's fast-changing technological environment. IPv6 overcomes the limitations of IPv4 for better internet experience and improved business results. It is also being considered as the "next-generation" "internet standard". It comes with better addressing system and conforms the growing requirements of ever-changing network and computing devices. It also fits the addressing needs caused by growing enterprise mobility.
Benefits of IPv6 hosting
- Works faster on high performance network
- Performs best with Wireless Networks or networks with low bandwidth
- Extremely secured, designed with highest security standards
- Reliable and excellent performance
IPv6 support on Virtual server greatly helps in building cluster environment for improved resource optimization with complete admin control. It keeps your website available globally to each and every internet client. VPS with IPv6 support also enables the users to create their own server infrastructure, multiple server set ups and special hosting environment. This is cost saving too. Not just this, with IPv6 support on VPS hosting, the user can also build a core server for connecting internal computing devices, application server, instant messaging server etc. at no or negligible costs. Web Werks offers IPv6 support on its VPS hosting for excellent enterprise results. We offer reliable, agile IPv6 VPS hosting solutions with 24x7x365 rapid action support, high levels of security and back up services, all at an affordable price.