As the IoT market is expanding, securing the digital data moving over the data center networks have become essential than ever. With the flaws in the security protocols concerning these internet-connected devices, hackers are easily able to hack them in as little as a couple of minutes, giving them a smooth path to walk away with crucial data and information and letting them cause further damage.
But it's not like we can't do anything about this major issue; organizations need to put security at the core of the IoT strategies. Researchers have warned that poor IoT security practices makes the connected devices even more vulnerable and stands as a risk factor to the security of the enterprises that deploy them. However, IoT could as prove transformative, given that it is used efficiently with all security measures falling in place. Not to mention that IoT was invented to ease and streamline business processes and to make this world digitally optimized. But with high risk involved, organizations must ensure to keep the IoT networks safe as it deals with an enormous amount of personal data.
Involve a team of expertise
Consider assembling a team of security specialists along with business executives while designing the security maps and essential features for the same. Involving a set of people with skills will promote team work, ascertain that business and security both are well balanced and any suspicious activities in the environment can be identified in real time.
Implement best practices
IT managers need to move to the core of the organization and find out the susceptible areas by conducting an analysis. Moreover, they also need to examine the financial and non-financial impact of any cyberattack on both organization and consumer. This will help organizations to plan a strategy accordingly.
Educate consumers and staff in security
End-users pose as a biggest threat to the security of IoT devices and educating them could certainly help here. As they remain unaware of the ways they can pave path for hackers, their devices remain vulnerable despite all the security protocols been put in place. Organization must consider educating them consumers on security best practices such as changing passwords frequently, and providing advice on security patches. In addition, the support team must be trained on how they can help customers deal with such issues. By offering proper support assistance will further assist in minimizing risks.