Server is important to keep your mission critical business data safe and to enable secure access to files across the network. It helps businesses in creating and maintaining the entire corporate computing environment. However, choosing a web hosting server is a daunting task, but pointers in this blog will help you in making the right decision.
Before going to the pointers that will help you in choosing the right server for your business, let me talk a little about what a server really is. This will not be wrong to say that server is the mother of all IT innovations going on. Because a server is basically the computer that stores the website data in HTML files and make them available to the users over the internet.
Role of servers in the internet
These servers (or computer) has an IP address and most of the times, these have domain name too, i.e. URL. Whenever you type the URL in the browser, it sends requests to the server with the same domain name. Then, server fetches the queried page with the index.php and responds to the browser.
Why do you need to choose the right server?
Because there are numerous servers hosting options available with different infrastructure, module and configurations, such as dedicated server, Virtual private server, colocation services and modern cloud servers. Out of these only few will match to your kind of business.
How to choose the right server?
- Evaluate and assess your business requirements: Before getting into finding the right server, first assess and identify the right amount of requirements for your business, related to storage, processor, applications etc. You can discuss your requirements to the server hosting providers and they will suggest you the right kind of server.
- Don’t forget to anticipate your future needs: Anticipating the future server needs for your business is as important as your current assessment. You need to identify the growth pattern of your business data and web traffic to estimate your future needs. Accordingly decide on the computing resources of the server that includes, storage, memory, processing power, network capacity etc.
- Choose a reliable web server provider: Not every web server hosting providers are the same. Compare their prices, configurations, what all hardware they use, and even their clientele. This will give you an impression of their quality of services. Moreover, sign the deal only with the provider which specializes in offering services for your size of business. For instance, if you run a small business, you should find the provider which has special hosting plans for small businesses.