Concerned over the increasing global environmental issues, India too has extended a set of controls and certifications for data centers. These regulations and accreditation make data centers adopt the best practices for better energy-efficient, effective and robust infrastructure. However, these accreditation are not legally mandatory for a data center in India but certifications definitely add a lot to the organizational value as it is the confirmation by an established & recognized body that data center facility will meet each and every aspect of its declared specifications. Data centers host many servers and cooling units. This lead to high energy consumption, heat emissions and radiations, altogether, it ultimately results in global warming. So these certifications ensure that you have chosen green data center hosting in an energy-efficient facility and contributing towards a better earth. Below are few major certifications for data centers in India:
LEED India Certification: India's Green Building Council (IGBC) is the body which provides LEED certification to confirm that the data center facility is energy efficient. It extensively rates the data center facilities based on six different aspects namely,
Sustainability of the building: It confirms that building construction is planned and designed to prevent any soil/water/wind erosion and air pollution. 1) Water efficiency: This approves that the data center has water recycling methods like rainwater harvesting, thus preserving water. 2) Energy efficiency: Whether the data center management makes utilizes the renewable resources or not is affirmed by this certification. Utilization of Wind/hydel/solar energy for generation of power and installation of advanced technologies like HVAC&R (heating, ventilation. Air conditioning and refrigeration) are the proof of energy efficiency. 3) Materials used and waste management: It affirms that the building has been constructed using heat resistant glass, metals and other recyclable materials. 4) Indoor Air Quality: This confirms that building is designed with proper air ventilation and efficient air-flow which is also a proof of healthy indoor environment. 5) Innovation: This category is exclusive for the data centers which implement extra-ordinary innovative technology, method, a process in their facilities. 6) Cisco Certified Network Associate shortly known as CCNA is a data center certification program which helps data centers in value addition as CISCO provides training to the data centers professionals on data center network designs, equipment designs, installations, and implementations.
ISO:27001, ISO:9001, OHSAS:18001 and ISO:14001 - ISO is basically a highly regarded body in India that develops international standards that confirms the competence of relevant product, service or the enterprise. For data centers, the recognized certifications are ISO:27001, ISO:9001, OHSAS:18001 and ISO:14001.
EPI: Enterprise Product Integration Pvt. Ltd., shortly known as EPI is a global body that offers data center consultancy, audit, certification, and training.
Uptime Institute Tier III Certification: Tier Certification is a merchant impartial, outsider accreditation for the system and operational supportability conveyed by the Uptime Institute. The Uptime Institute Professional Services assemble is the main firm authorized to affirm merchant site topology against the Uptime Institute's universally perceived Tier Classification System. Tier III Certification guarantees the site infrastructure arrangements, as spoken to in the outline reports, have really been built and tried to prove compliance. Web Werks data center is TIER III certified. There are more such data center certifications to assure the quality of the Data Center in India- Schneider Electric Data Center Certified Associate CNet CDCMP (Certified Data Center Management Professional) VMware Certified Professional 5-Data Center Virtualization (VCP5-DCV) BICSI Data Center Design Consultant (DCDC)