Let's start this blog with an actual example of Web Werks Data Centers. We have a large number of employees, working from different locations and we've tried ample of online collaboration tools for easier communication and smooth exchange of information. Some free, some purchased; some great, some bad. The most popular free tools and software include Google Docs, Skype and Dropbox.
Although there are plenty of free virtual collaboration tools available, most organizations prefer hosted solutions because of three main reasons: high security, better control and privacy. An important addition here, these tools is not necessarily meant only for employees or users operating remotely, but worthwhile for business seeking to improve efficiency.
A few considerations...
There are many things you need to look into before you pick a software to host on your hardware such as integration, ease-to-use, real-time collaboration and above all, understanding the company's and co-workers needs. An organization houses plenty of departments, each might demand for a different set of collaboration tool. In such case, you can go for an option that offers a great amalgamation of software, (better known as custom integration) that will fit right in.
Virtual collaboration tools are available in abundance, but finding the ideal one for your needs won't be easy. What you can do here is communicate with your employees and get to know the type of projects they manage. This will aid you to narrow your search and identify what tools would be right for them.
And finally, we can't overlook security. Invaders are always looking for insecure systems and software where they can launch an attack and create disruptions. To avert such situations, go for a product that holds a security certificate from authorized valid users.
If you still find it difficult to make a decision, you can always ask for assistance.