IT industry has already damaged our environment with many carbon emissions and harmful radiations from data centers. It’s good that the world is now awakened towards energy efficiency and green IT services. A data center may gallop huge amount of energy which is enough to light up one entire city. Green web hosting is a great start for protecting the environment from further damage. Not only the data centers should go green with the implementation of latest energy-efficient technologies and by using alternative energy, but also, the users should play their part by choosing only green data centers for web solution and encourage green web hosting.
How to know which are the green web hosting sites?
Green web hosting providers have “Green-E” certificate on their websites that indicates they are making use of greener energy resources like the wind, hydro and solar resources etc. or they have energy efficient machines installed at their facilities; or by any means, they are counter-balancing the use of traditional energy and latest energy-efficient techniques.
Technologies for green data centers
Modular data centers: Many large corporate are swiftly moving towards modular data centers. These are portable data centers with high energy efficiency and are designed for quick deployment. It even enables fast scalability with the capability to support more than 4000 servers with 1.0f PUE rating i.e. Power Usage Effectiveness in the case of free cooling site
Servers with lower power consumption: Few IT providers have also come up with their low-power consuming servers, sometimes also known as micro- servers. These are the great energy-efficient alternatives to bring the greener impact in the world of IT to make earth a better place.
Cloud Hosting
This is the ultimate and most cost-effective solution for gaining energy-efficiency. It makes the optimum utilization of processing capabilities making it highly resource-efficient technology. Enterprises must consider cloud solutions for their IT needs. It’s the most affordable way to go green.