Flash-based storage, which was primarily used as the storage technology for mobile devices such as smartphones, iPods, digital cameras, laptops, etc., has now stepped into enterprise sector, where it is significantly replacing traditional disk drives owing to its value added features and cost-to-performance ratio. Despite that, hard-disk-drive will continue its existence in data centers considering its cost-effectiveness to store and access cold data, but organizations that fail to take flash storage into account for maintaining its active data will lag behind.
All-flash data center
Deploying these extremely sophisticated and high-performing storage equipment in data center has certainly become the latest IT trend, but for professionals, it means more than a market fad. According to Data Storage Market Trends, an IT analyst firm ESG, conducted a survey in 2015 to find out how exactly flash storage is proving beneficial for organization and the survey concluded that IT operators were all in favor with the innovative storage strategies. They also stated that such technologies are essential to process applications and business operations smoothly and can bring in competitive benefits for their enterprise.
Although flash is not a new thing in the technology world, yet data flash storage has currently turned out to become a crucial asset of the modern business. There are certain complementary forces that driving the improvement in the storage equipment such as growing demand for upgraded, faster and more responsive storage, energy-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, altogether will contribute to bringing us all-flash data center. If not for all, at least for active data. However, cold data or archival data will still have a place to stay as it can't be ignored.
Benefits of all-flash IT infrastructure
An all-flash data center will definitely deliver a number of benefits such as it speeds up performance, eliminates aging storage solutions, which avoids impeding business processes. Furthermore, this new IT facility will allow organizations to quickly and easily deploy innovative features and applications including virtual desktop infrastructure, and new technology-oriented business lines. In addition, the new data centers will also keep from silos of storage as organizations will be able to do multitasking with the help of an individual storage medium.
The best part being that it will essentially reduce IT overhead, which will help organizations to save IT expenses. Moreover, the all-flash IT facility will provided enterprises with multiple storage features that they can choose to best fit their requirements such as robust flash for sensitive applications.