Nearly millions of users have their data stored on cloud and using cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions. If you don't what exactly these term means then you could probably do a quick Internet search and instantly get millions of results answering your questions. But what matters here is to turn the set of information into actionable intelligence and using it as a medium to choose your next cloud backup and disaster recovery service provider.
Determine your requirements
The quick and smart way to finding the ideal service provider is to determine the companies core requirements such as how quickly you need to backup all your data, the amout of data you need to backup and what services are you expecting in specific from the provider. Once everything is done, they can go ahead and look for a service provider that can fit their needs.
Examine your logistical needs
If your organizations is looking to use the cloud recovery service only for storage purpose, then you'll have to work out only on a small strategy specific to storage requirements. But if you firm is interested in using full-fledged cloud services, then there's a lot more things that you'll have to take into consideration and this completely depends on your company's existing infrastructure, cloud services and the desired output.
Estimation of Price
After selecting a cloud service provider, you must estimate the amount that you want to invest in the recovery services. Make a note that every these service provider have their own set of pricing model, so make sure you check that out. However, the fees you'll have to pay includes a combination of a subscription fee, amount of storage space and bandwidth consumed and the number of virtual machines and processors required. Ensure to cross-check each policy of the service provider.
Test the provider's recovery capabilities
There are plenty of organizations, offering a host of services. Companies or individual with limited backup and disaster recovery service needs might find it easy selecting a service provider that deliver predetermined offerings at a fixed rate as it helps them set a budget for their requirements. However, the essential point here is that whichever service provider you choose, you must ensure to test how well it works so that you don't get any surprises later.