The web hosting service provider you choose will be responsible for delivering high-quality services that includes everything you need to retain your business online, all the while. However, you are in charge of ensuring your business runs well enough to contend the requirements of your web visitors.
Hosting website with an unreliable service provider can fluctuate the performance of your website. Not only does it affect your revenue, wrong hosting company is also potential to crashing your business. Here are few possible ways:
Slow Websites Divert Customers
Customers abandon websites that takes more than 3 seconds to load. They look for sites that can deliver content quickly and at faster speed. With low availability, customers are likely to turn away or even worse, never come back, which can altogether hamper business growth. More the content on the website, the better the services you require. If your website is loaded with more content, you can go for VPS or dedicated server hosting as it best suitable for such sites.
Revenue Loss
If your customers are unable to view your products and services, how will you earn of it? The consequences are obvious – your sales and profit margin will be highly affected. Amazon suffered 40 minutes downtime that resulted in loss of $5 million. However, your business might not incur such a big impact, but it is always better to be preventative.
Aggravate SEO Rankings
Search Engine bots crawls through your website and might raise a red flag if your website is frequently down, further affecting your rankings. Search Engine is always looking for websites with faster and efficient performance rate. To optimize web functionality, host with a service provider that assures maximum up-time guarantee (probably 99.995%).
Increases Security Concerns
Customers experiencing poor services are less likely to make deals with your website. Frequent issues with the web page hold them back from making any transactions because they tend to consider your site as spam. No one would be interesting in dealing with sites that doesn’t provide effective services.
Exposed to hackers
Not to forget such websites are susceptible to online threats and can be compromised any time. A reliable web hosting company will apply strong security protocols to safeguard your website. Know what security policies your hosting provider abides by so that you are well aware of what you’re dealing with.
Web hosting companies will offer you a number of services, but it is your duty to review whether they actually provide what they promise. So now, when you plan to launch a new website host with a trustworthy company or if you are already running an online business, better switch to a new hosting platform.