If we go by the said death of on-premise data centers, the traditional data center might become an archaeological find in the coming years. Cloud computing and IoT is taking over the industry. The popularity of these two technologies is for the fact that they help bringing applications closer to the end user. In our previous post Impact of AI on Data centers, we had mentioned the stats put down by Dave Cappucio about 80% enterprises shutting down their traditional data centers by 2025. The blog post is also titled as “The data center is dead”. What does this death mean? Well, it means that traditional on-premise data-centers are about to become irrelevant in the near future. It doesn’t really mean that data centers are shutting down, but rather they are evolving with technology. So, what kind of technology will keep the data centers going in the future? In his article Cappucio mentions that computing needs will have to be located on the basis of business needs and not on the physical location. Also, companies will have to build a set of service partners that will help them create flexible infrastructures. But a change in process will also require a trained staff that is capable of versatile working.
- Enterprise Data centers and their rising popularity: Non wired devices are more popular now-a-days, the number of people with eyes stuck on their device is proof of the same. With all this computing power in the palm of our hands surely makes us question the need for back-end data systems. We won’t blame people that believe that the data center industry will die, but we would also suggest that the data centers aren’t going anywhere, in fact it’s quite the opposite that will happen. What makes us say all this? Well, the growing number of wireless device users means that the amount of data generated will also be on the rise. These small devices just don’t have the capacity to store such a huge chunk of information.
- The Growing demand for Private cloud: It is necessary that we understand, the private cloud is still an enterprise data center. Most of this demand comes from applications that are held on traditional environments and surpassed by the internal private clouds. These clouds are also capable of supporting new digital business applications.
- Diversified workloads: Microsoft and Amazon also announced on-premise public clouds, which further adds a twist to the already confusing death of data centers. Notably, public cloud providers benefit from locating in enterprise data centers. We can infer that enterprise data centers are here to stay, however they will have broader and more diverse workloads to take which includes private and public clouds along with traditional systems.