In today's digital-first world, data is the new oil and Cloud is the new real estate.
With organisations increasingly collecting, processing, storing, and managing exabytes of new data every day, Data Centers have become one of the key engines to drive business growth.
In this ever-evolving Data Center ecosystem, ‘Hyperscale Data Centers’ are the new buzzwords that have garnered massive interest and traction in the Enterprise IT circle.
Despite the unprecedented disruption and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for Hyperscale Data Centers has skyrocketed with over 100 new Hyperscale Data Centers being built in the last one year alone taking the total number of Hyperscale Data Centers to almost 600 today.
What are Hyperscale Data Centers?
While there isn’t a universally agreed definition for Hyperscale Data Centers as such, International Data Corporation (IDC) qualifies a Data Center as Hyperscale if it has more than 5,000 servers and occupies more than 10,000 square feet.
However, Hyperscale Data Centers are distinguished not just by their overall size, but also by the ability of their network architecture to rapidly scale up in response to growing demand. Hyperscale Data Centers are capable of both scaling vertically by adding more power to existing machines and horizontally by adding more devices to the network.
The fundamental objective of hyperscaling is to build a robust system often centered on a combination of cloud computing, big data, and distributed storage. Furthermore, hyperscaling also denotes a specific approach to building infrastructure where the emphasis is on effective disaggregation, efficient modularity, and automation.
How are Hyperscale Data Centers different from other Data Centers?
Hyperscale Data Centers easily outperform conventional Enterprise Data Centers through a potent combination of bespoke systems engineering and unparalleled economies of scale.
What sets Hyperscale Data Centers apart is the volume of data they can store, process, and compute in a short period of time. With the demand for network speeds exceeding 400 Gbps, the network architecture of conventional Data Centers fails to meet such high demands with low latencies.
Hyperscale Data Centers also feature a higher-density, power-optimised architecture that is compatible with homogeneous scaling of greenfield applications. This is crucial for growing businesses as unlike legacy applications, greenfield applications have fewer constraints.
When should organisations choose a Hyperscale Data Center provider?
While on the one hand, gradual cultural shifts were nudging the industry to increase data storage space and capacity, the ongoing pandemic has on the other hand triggered a massive demand for nimble IT services to effectively facilitate remote working, high-speed connectivity, and content streaming. These changes are getting companies to opt for bulk Colocation and Hyperscale Data Centers.
However, organisations need also consider market trends and the political landscape while making this switch. In the Indian context, a push towards data localisation led by the government has made tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Apple to consider setting up Hyperscale Data Centers in India.
Large domestic enterprises like banks and telecom companies are also looking to make the switch to meet increasing demands and deliver a low-latency and high-bandwidth experience to their customers as this is shown to result in improved customer satisfaction and retention.
In a landscape where real estate and power have traditionally been both scarce and expensive, the shift from stand-alone private Data Centers to Colocation Hyperscale Data Centers needs to be strategic and well-planned.\
To Sum It Up
Unexpected disruptions and an ever-spiraling demand for data consumption have forced companies to reengineer their Data Centers.
As Data Centre designs have evolved to become increasingly modular and flexible, the focus has shifted to build an interconnected system that can simultaneously accommodate both marginal edge requirements and large-scale data requirements.
Web Werks’s undisputedly robust Interconnection ecosystem coupled with Iron Mountain Data Centers (IMDC)’ globally tested hyperscale capabilities offer Indian Enterprises a plethora of tangible benefits never available before.
With a vibrant ecosystem of Tier 1 Carriers, 180+ Internet Service Providers, major Content Delivery Networks, Cloud On-ramp services for hyperscale Cloud Service Providers like AWS, Azure, and Google, and seamless connectivity to India’s largest Peering Exchanges like DE-CIX, Extreme IX, and NIXI, Web Werks – IMDC offers Indian Enterprises unmatched scalability, data security, and network availability through its 18+ state-of-the-art Data Centers spread across the globe.
To learn how Web Werks can help your organisation redefine its Data Center experience, please visit or get in touch with us on +91 8828 335 555, and we will reach out to you in a jiffy.