The big move India made in the data center industry was back in 2012, when the South Asia’s first Tier IV infrastructure was housed in the country in the city of Mumbai. In the course of time, more Tier III and Tier IV started to emerge and dig its place that enriched the growth of the IT sector. Besides, Gartner predicts that in 2016, the market will reach a whopping $2 Billion, which is a 2.5% increase in the result from 2015.
Growth in data consumption
Indian market will continue to maintain the upward trend and in the near future, it will concentrate more on increasing the count of infrastructure to meet the growing needs. The centralized idea on designing intelligent infrastructure will also include optimizing the existing equipment that IT professionals have in their hands with the help of innovative software.
Since the population of India is bulging like anything, the rate of data consumption is increasing as well because of the growing mobile subscribers. A report from the World Bank states that 30 billion software applications were downloaded in India in 2011, which is something that we can’t overlook. So where does all of this data dwell in? Data center is the answer and therefore, the country is experiencing such a rapid rise.
Challenges for service providers
Although the data center service providers are filling the empty space, the major concern that is posing as a complex challenge for them is availability of reliable resources. The escalation will eventually demand for greater supply of power and other essential sources. Power security still stands as a significant risk factor due to inadequacy of energy imports. Aside to this fact, India also ranked among the country to incur high-energy cost.
Research shows that not everyone demand for Tier III or Tier IV data centers in India, most of them tend to look for space where they can develop their own environment. This is leading to a steep rise in Tier I and Tier II architectures, which is another reason why we are seeing the growth. Apart from this, service providers also need to shift their focus from simply developing an environment to developing an efficient, reliable and cost-effective environment.
Conclusion: It’s upright clear that what are the driving force behind the exponentially growing data center market in India. But whatever it is, India is likely to mark its position and in future we might see the country as a leading market player.