With IT systems evolving and getting even more advanced, the data security landscape is also becoming more sophisticated. Security is the prime concern for any organization today and they are investing huge for security strategies. The hackers are developing advanced programs to intrude your privacy and access your sensitive data. Amidst all these security chaos, Cloud Services have emerged as the safest solution for secured server hosting. As a matter of fact, Security as a service (SECaaS) is now a popular business model where security is delivered as a service from the cloud.
Cloud services including public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud allow enterprises to exercise maximum control over their data, to choose the right security options. However, there have been some security issues in the cloud servers as well but research reports say that most of it were caused by the insiders- either due to some mistake or due to mean objectives. So it calls your attention towards some strict protocol that you need to follow in order to improve cloud security.
Improving Cloud Server Security
Restrict Access: Usually, an expanding organization has increasing number of employees, and in such enterprises, allowing access to everyone may not be safe. So, limit the access to your valuable data and keep a watch on the ones who can access it.
Get serious about passwords: Change any default passwords and avoid setting any easy-to-guess passwords like birthdays and names etc. Instead, choose some random letters and a combination of alpha-numeric characters.
Avoid storing sensitive information on the cloud: Do not store crucial information on cloud as far as possible. Because as we know an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
Encrypt cloud services: There are many cloud service providers who will deliver local encryption as well as on cloud storage and backup.
If your target audience are based in Asia-Pacific region and you are looking for secure cloud services, then high-end cloud service providers in India can help you with the personalized secure cloud solutions designed as per your specifications.