Making web hosting decision is not easy, it can't be done in a jiffy, especially when every web server provider is claiming to be offering the best services in the industry. The user should never look out for the BEST web hosting provider, rather make a little twist in your search process and look for a web hosting provider to best SUIT your business needs. The difference is small but impact is GREAT!
Following is the process that you need to follow before arriving at any web hosting decision
Need analysis:
If you are looking for a website server provider, first analyze your business IT needs. Find out who are your TG, expected level of traffic on your website and accordingly note down how much storage, RAM, bandwidth and other hosting components are required for your business.
Assess the expected growth:
Also, assess the expected growth of your website in coming few years and even further. This will give you an estimate of resource scaling needs. So, you will be able to choose your web hosting plan accordingly.
Match your needs with different hosting plans:
Different hosting providers offer different configuration and packages. So be careful and choose the plan according to the size of your business. Don't just consider price/cost of the plan, do compare the quality of offerings too.
Expert Technical support:
Technical support by the web server provider should be professional select only those providers who offer 24x7x365 tech-support.
99.99% Uptime SLA guarantee:
Read the SLA for Server uptime guarantee by the web hosting company because high availability is an important concern for any business website.
Data Center:
Choose the providers with Tier III and Tier IV data centers at multiple locations as they will be able to manage your data in better way. The cheapest web hosting offering is necessarily not the best one. In fact, cost comparison should be the last step in the decision making process for web hosting company.