Technologies have made things simpler. Professionals and managers have shifted their way of working from desk to desktop to laptop and now they want to do everything through their mobile. Apart from scheduling their tasks, sharing files, emails etc., they now demand mobile access to major business applications. Certainly, it will make the things more convenient when the PC based applications will be mobilized with virtualization technologies. The integration of virtualization and desktop server infrastructure based legacy applications will enable easy access to corporate data and business logic using mobile applications.
4 Strategic Practices that should be undertaken to evaluate the virtualization methods:
- Virtualization with Mobile UX: UX virtualization solutions transform the UI of an existing application without altering the basics of application. It helps in smartly mobilizing the application that was designed for desktop. It’s ideal for changing business needs. With its adaptive user experience, it will rapidly change to support the changing enterprises process, project, or other business needs.
- Virtualization technologies and work-space aggregators: Work-space aggregators basically consolidate all the legacy applications (desktop, software and OS), cloud services, through a single user interface. It aggregates all the resources from multiple locations and stage it to PC, smartphone or other computing device. Combined with accelerating Virtualization and cloud technologies, it will become an important infrastructure for application delivery.
- Native SDK Development and virtualization: Native SDK development with virtualization will improve application efficiency and deliver high-quality results.
- Mobile UI Transformation through Virtualization: Legacy applications with UX virtualization solutions will have transformed UIs which will be device-optimized i.e. will be adaptive to the entire enterprise application suite.
Increased use of smart devices including smartphone, tablets etc. along with PCs and laptops, has caused an upsurge in demand for solutions that can perform across all the devices.