Security breaches is a common but potentially disruptive thing occurring within enterprises. While security remains a top concern among data centers and organizations, most have implemented robust data and information protection measures to keep their networks and systems secure. When it comes to SOA environment, security plays an equally essential role, though securing the SOA environment seems different than the conventional architectures. In addition to protecting systems, SOA security also provides a supplementary features that enables identifying the high-use and low-use services. Let's discuss the best practices you need to follow while implementing SOA security.
Goals and strategies
Not only while integrating security, clarifying what and how things needs to be done in order to achieve the desired result is a parameter that can't be overlooked. You can't reach your destination unless you choose the right path. Firstly, narrow down your objective to analyzing the threat that is most likely to disrupt your business. This will help you set the right strategies that can work towards mitigating the risk factors.
Policies and procedures
Determining goals and strategies is followed by setting the policies and procedure. That means to work out what traffic will be permitted to the network and what policies will be required for accessing a particular service and after the policy is finalized, the organization can set out the procedures for enabling activities based on the policy. However, it is essential to check that the policies and procedures are followed by all, which states that it's useless to have a policy that doesn't equally to all the co-workers. For instance, an employee might have authorized access to a specific service, while the others may not, the policy should be made as such that it is applied evenly among all and that everyone has to follow.
Applying administrative technique
For better visibility of what's being accessed, by whom and when, you'll have to set up a monitoring tool that will assist you in administrating what's going on around the security network. In addition, the tool also acts as a means to track most and least used services. The tool is a great source to identifying what services are highly used and what services just lag behind, thus helping them to enhance the environment's security.
Persisting analysis and process development
Well, it doesn't all come to an halt here. After SOA security has been implemented, IT managers need to keep a check on the the traffic, functions that are upright and things that have failed, emerging threats and find out solutions that can address the issue. Because the key to a secure environment is frequent administration and security improvement.