You may often come across the terms like bare metal servers and virtualization while you search for cloud hosting services. Many web hosts offer both bare metal as well as virtualization as cloud host services. Here is the detailed comparison of both the services, which will let you understand the pros and cons of both the services to decide which is best for you.
Bare metal servers vs. Virtualization
- Single tenancy vs Multi-tenancy: Bare metal is a physical server that is dedicated to one particular user or organization with single tenancy architecture. Whereas, virtualization divides bare metal server into multiple virtual servers, i.e. multi-tenancy architecture.
- Security issues vs. Peace of mind: Although hypervisor based virtualization creates an isolated environment, keeping each VM separate from the other tenants, yet there are certain security limitations due to noisy neighbors and limited security settings. While users are free to do unlimited things on their dedicated servers like customized security configurations, additional firewalls and customization of application etc. It offers a high level of security which means peace of mind.
- Inconsistent performance vs. uncompromised performance: Due to heavy workloads all at once by the tenants in a virtualized environment lead to inconsistent performance because all the VMs and its applications race for available server resources slowing down the speed. Whereas, a bare metal server is like the undisturbed king with the luxury of non-shared resources. So there is a greater degree of performance, uncompromised!
- Lack of control vs. complete customization: Virtualization on the partitioned dedicated server allows the users limited control over resources, unlike complete freedom with bare metal servers.