Automated Cloud
Your mission critical business data holds as much value as any other business asset. It is very important to take smart steps to protect your business data from getting lost, destroyed, or damaged due to some accident or any catastrophic event.
Many research reports show that almost 50% of the enterprises (small, medium or large) suffer partial or complete data loss because they use direct storage and traditional backup methods.
In fact, they have not been able to restore their data that was lost due to some mishap or disaster. An effective and fault-proof data backup holds crucial importance for any organization. One of such savior is Automated Cloud Backup Solution.
Sometimes it is also regarded as offsite backup. This is the latest and the most efficacious data back up solution available today.
How it works
The data is stored on multiple servers which are housed at an offsite location.
Advantages of Automated Cloud backup Solution
- Cost effective: Automated cloud backup solutions comes at a very affordable costs. The users don't need to spend a big pile of amounts for keeping their data from any loss.
- Automatic: With automated cloud backup solutions, the data will automatically get its back up on the cloud platform. There is an auto-backup feature with pre-fixed timing settings. This eliminates the hassle of keeping a track to take the back up manually.
- Remote accessibility: This is the most advantageous feature of automated cloud back up solution. Wherever you are located, you just need an internet connection on your device-smartphone, tablet or laptop, and you can easily access your data anytime.
- Instant setup: This automated cloud backup also facilitates instant installation and set up. You just need few clicks to select what all data needs to be stored for backup.
- Secured: The automated cloud back up servers are housed in highly secured data centers established at safe locations. Many of these data centers are even completely fault-tolerant facilities.
- Reliable: The back ups are done automatically over internet. The user can quickly and securely retrieve the data anytime, anywhere. All these make it a reliable data back option.