2016 is here and people are looking up to the next-generation tech, Big Data, Internet of Things and many other smart technologies. It’s also the time to brace up the website security because the multitude of cyber crime is going to shoot up with the integrated technologies.
Here are 5 effective tips to immune your website from hackers:
- Follow Password protocols: Although most of us are aware that passwords are sensitive and should not be shared. But, not everyone knows that it’s very important to set and choose a strong password which is difficult to be decoded by hackers. Many users choose their birthdays, spouse name etc. as their passwords for confidential accounts because these things are easy to be recalled. But this is completely hazardous as these can be easily deciphered. So always remember to use a combination of upper case, lower case, numbers, as well as special characters. Secondly, the password should not be lesser than 15 characters. Thirdly, make it a habit to change your password periodically, after every 3 or 4 months.
- Regularly update software: Updating your software is another step towards securing your website. Current versions of software are designed to fight and immune your system from latest malware, spyware etc. The older version of software leaves a backdoor loophole for hackers.
- Update scripts: Not many people practice this but it is highly important to keep a regular check on scripts. Update them regularly as similar as you do with the software. Also, delete the scripts that are not in use. Scripts could run tasks without your knowledge and can be the vulnerable point for hackers to invade the system. Old scripts must be deleted to avoid any such risks.
- SSL Certificates: Enabling Secure Socket Layer certificates on your server not only secures your website but also adds to your repute and image. It builds trust for your website in the visitors’ minds. If you have an eCommerce website, SSL certificates are must-have element to keep the users’ personal and transactional information safe and secured.
- Data backups: Last but not the least, data backups will save a copy of your website data in cloud servers. If at all you failed to secure your website data by any chance, Cloud server backup will come to your rescue.